Another Small Update

Hello! How are you?

I've been doing a lot of work on projects and made some mechanical updates to Creating Goncharov. Unfortunately in the process of doing that I accidentally deleted a large part of the ending. Which... you know... is fine. *extremely pained smile*

Regardless, I spent a couple days rewriting it and everything should be working now. There should be very minimal changes to how the end plays out for people who played before (but it has been updated and I think it's probably better now than it was before). Most of what I did was reconstructing the editing section (so that the text is better written and you don't have to scroll through the plot summary each time you press the next button) along with some spelling, grammar, and coding fixes throughout the game.

Hope that you're having a good day! You can look out for more updates (and some new releases) coming soon :)


Creating Play in browser
May 30, 2024

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